Did you know the number of businesses that do not have a strategic plan for their business? It’s shocking. 

Whenever I have asked a business owner before commencing their coaching journey to show me their strategic plan, the best I get is some speech on where they want to take the business over the next few years and nothing on paper. My next question is, are the company and your staff aligned with this plan? I get a blank expression or, at best, another speech which is fit for the pub.

You see, Strategy Planning Day is an event dedicated to developing a strategic plan that outlines the objectives and goals of your business for the next three to five years. Your business needs to have a clear strategy plan as it helps your employees stay focused on their goals and identify growth opportunities.

During Strategy Planning Day, you and your team will create a strategic plan that outlines your objectives, strategies, and tactics. Planning will focus on all verticals of your business like Finance, Operations, Marketing, Sales, Recruitment, Infrastructure, Teams and Technology. You will also engage in strategic planning activities such as brainstorming, SWOT analysis, and goal-setting exercises.

Your coach will help you create a comprehensive small business strategy plan and challenge you on your goals.

How to Set Clear Goals & Objectives Before You Start Your Planning Day?

Setting clear goals and objectives is essential for any successful planning day. It helps to ensure that you focus on the right tasks and have a clear action plan.

Before your planning day, you will prepare a wish list for your business and your life. Don’t worry; you will receive a template to make this exercise easy.

You are encouraged to have fun and push the boundaries of your business. Get your CXOs to participate in this exercise and your family for your personal goals. 

Topics Covered During The Strategic Planning Process.

Strategic Planning Day Item

Your coach will cover the below topics as part of your planning day: 

  •  3 or 5-year vision
  • 12-18 month personal goals review (for small businesses)
  • 12-18 month business goals review and orbit plan
  • Business opportunities and challenges
  • 12-18 month goal schedule
  • Personal Development Plan

Where And How Long Is The Strategy Planning Day?

Your Strategy Planning Day is an exclusive event dedicated to you and your company. It is either a half-day or full-day event, depending on the number of employees participating and the size of your company. 

Our team will pamper you in one of our offsite locations like The Burnham Beeches Hotel, The Grove, The Denham Grove Hotel or other similar venues in Greater London. The hotel will have unlimited drinks, snacks and lunch.

You Are Guaranteed Results

As with everything we do, we guarantee results. At the end of the session, the coach presenting it will ask you, “Has today and the plans you’ve created been worth every penny of your investment? If not, pay what you feel it was worth – and if you don’t feel it provided any value at all, then pay us nothing!”. You may or may not be surprised to know that across twenty-three years and hundreds of delegates, no one has ever requested a reduction in the investment, let alone a full refund. We’re open to it happening one day. Still, by guaranteeing it, we’re very conscious of our role – our job is to deliver even more value than we charge, and that’s what we do.