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Tag Archives: increase sales

I love the coffee shops on my high street. I frequent them often when I want to take a break from working from home to get a fresh perspective on specific business challenges. My best friend insists on accompanying me wherever I decide to go…

Competition is normal. Everywhere you go, there is competition – business, sports, school, and yes…life. There is nothing wrong with it though, as long as it is executed in a friendly manner to push the other (and yourself) to greater heights. Some people, however, associate…

It’s easy to think of measuring everything as a deification of numbers. Sure we’ve all heard about this well-known axiom “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” Don’t you think it’s just fair to ask how and why you are measuring stuff? While testing your…

A time management expert was lecturing his business students an unforgettable analogy. To drive a point, he used unique materials as an illustration. He stood in front of them and blurted out “Time for a quiz”. The instructor pulled out a one-gallon Mason jar and…

Accelerate your business growth with Vodafone’s V-Hub. Your free online knowledge base for small business excellence. V-Hub from Vodafone is a free online knowledge and resource centre to help your small business thrive in the digital world. This trusted guidance platform gives you access to…

It’s not only a matter of how good your speech is but how much you love what you’re doing. One big factor in marketing is knowing what to say and the secret to knowing what to say is knowing what you exactly do. “What do…

While KPIs definitely help measure the success of your business – from lead campaigns, engagement, brand awareness, to sales, and many more, there is a whole practical method of determining success in a different light.  Quantified metrics indicate where your business is and how far…

The capability to oversee and supervise employee performance well is a vital part of any successful establishment. However, more often than not, performance management is misconceived and executed incorrectly, and this incorrect execution causes harm to employee performance which is why KPIs are established. Key…

7 Tips to Increase Your Sales

For businesses that rely on sales, ways to increase revenue are crucial. While hiring a Business Coach is non-negotiable, a few sales strategies could get you a long way too.  Let’s take a look at the 7 tips to help you increase your sales! Pitch…

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