ActionCOACH Slough

I love the coffee shops on my high street. I frequent them often when I want to take a break from working from home to get a fresh perspective on specific business challenges. My best friend insists on accompanying me wherever I decide to go for coffee. Yes, I am talking about my four-legged furball, Chico. He helps me think out of the box, especially when he dozes off with his legs in the air. Chico’s experience is not always the same at all these coffee shops. He dislikes some coffee shops as he is not allowed into the shop while there are his favourites where he is top dog. Now, you may wonder why he likes these and not the other ones. In all these shops, he gets his puppuccino (I am not sure if I spelt it right). So, those of you who do not know what this strange drink is at these coffee shops. I would recommend you to have it. Well, let me tell you. It is served in a takeaway cup, depending on the size of your dog. It is one of the great drinks that a dog ever desires. It’s a shot of cream served with love by the staff behind the counter.

Chico has his way of deciding which coffee shop he wants me to go to, and I have managed to finally figure it out after a wee bit of research. At one place, he grunts as he has to stay in a long line for his drink. He sits under the table at the other coffee shop, oblivious to the other coffee lovers.

Finally, there is one particular coffee shop where he goes crazy and starts walking on his hind legs as if he is half-human. First, the manager, Debbie, comes rushing out to greet him, followed by Dilshad, who has his drink ready for him as soon as he steps into the shop. During the past few months, I get a stern look from him instructing me to hand over the lead to Debbie, who takes him to a quiet corner, sits next to him, and gives him his puppuccino.


Why do you think Chico and I love this particular coffee shop?

The answer is simple. It has fantastic customer service for all those who walk into the shop and have an excellent experience.

Here are my questions for you.

What kind of experience does your customer enjoy when they walk into your store or online or however you interact with your customers?

Is it always the same?

Does it vary depending on who is interacting with your customer?

Finally, do you have a way of making them your raving fans?

When I work with my clients, I get them to focus in their first few months on their Delivery process. In simple words, every customer receives the same experience and high quality as documented in your company. We are so passionate about customer satisfaction that, as an organisation, we have achieved an NPS score of 84

Imagine the results you can achieve for your business, brand, and success.

ActionCOACH Slough NPS Score

The Starbucks in Pinner has nailed it, and both Chico and I are their raving fans.

How is your customer experience for your business? I would love to hear about your journey.

#starbucks #starbuckscoffee #actioncoachslough #simackonkader #customerservice