Why Wouldn’t You Have a Coach? | Recruitment Industry Growth Story
It’s been mind-blowing. I can’t believe that in the short space of time what my coach has achieved for us and helped us with. We’ve got a clear vision, we’re all working as a team, everything is in place, so it’s a win-win really. – Jackie Kerr, Managing Director of Jackie Kerr Recruitment. Running a business is a tough challenge. Managing Director, Jackie had experienced this first-hand whilst running her recruitment business. Often bringing the work-life home and getting migraines from the constant business battle was one of her worries. Speaking with an Action Coach instantly turned that around. Jackie had gained clarity on the business and built her confidence to drive the business forward.
Since working with ActionCOACH, they achieved:
✅ 20% profit increase
✅ Clear business goals
✅ Stress-free business
Doubled Net Profit After 12 Months Using ActionCOACH Systems | Recruitment Industry Growth Story
ActionCOACH has allowed me to own my business and own the processes on how we structure moving forward- Michael Roberts, Managing Director.
Michael got involved with ActionCOACH as he wanted clarity on how to run the business and furthermore, take it to the next level. Using the proven AcionCOACH systems, Michael was able to radicate his marketing strategies focusing on building clientele and generating an additional income into the business. In a short space of 3 months, the results started pulling through and after 12 months of coaching they managed to achieve:
✅ 100% Turnover increase
✅ 100% Net profit increase
✅ Doubled the size of the business
Michael says the most valuable thing he got from working with an Action Coach is systems and structure. ”Without the coach, we wouldn’t be where we are now.”
Putting Down The Tools To Work On The Business | Plumbing Industry Review
If you’ve got ambition and want to put the work in, then it will be a benefit to you, no doubt – Harry Brown, Managing Director of Thames Valley As a Business Owner in the tradesman industry, Harry wanted to get more out of his business. The desire to move away from the tools and focus on business growth was only a dream until meeting his local Action Coach.
Since working with ActionCOACH, they have:
✅ 174% turnover increase.
✅ 203% net profit increase.
✅ A better team structure. Want to grow your business?
Business Owner Getting Ready For Retirement | Engineering Growth Story
There are lots of areas of the business that are better than they use to be. We focused on the areas where we knew we could improve and it’s helped us enormously. – Paul Lindley, Managing Director of Narla Engineering.
Paul was getting ready for retirement and wanted to get his business to a stage where it wasn’t relying on him being involved. Paul Says: The business was very dependent on me and I recognised a bit of work needed to be put in it to enable me to exit the business. The business obviously wouldn’t have been sellable without me in it.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Paul has been able to:
✅ Step down from the day to day operation.
✅ Systemise the business.
✅ Get ready to exit the business.
Beating Their Best Year By 30% During COVID-19 | Kitchen & Interior Design Industry
Managing Director of AD3 Design, Andrew Doyle was running two businesses but struggled to keep both businesses floating. After meeting with a local Action Coach from his BNI, they were able to restructure the business and increase their growth by 30% during COVID-19. Andrew Doyle says: ”We’ve been in business eight and a half years and so in the last six months we’ve been sitting and having tea at night six o’clock every night with the kids so that’s huge”
Since working with ActionCOACH, the business has achieved:
✅ 30% turnover increase during COVID-19
✅ A better team with a clear vision
✅ Working fewer hours in the business
The Myers Touch Kitchen Design | Growth Story
Keith and Helen Myers have run their kitchen design business for 15 years, however they were struggling to attract the right staff to the business.
By working with Action Coach Kevin Stansfield they now have a consistent process in place and found a new Operations Manager – and turnover has increased by 10-15% as a result.
“ActionCOACH allowed me to set aside time every week to work ON my business and to systematically work towards one thing”
Turning a £70K Loss Into £300K Profit | IT DEV Growth Story
The biggest result of working with ActionCOACH has been improving the profit. We were originally making a loss of £70K and turned it around to a profit of £300K – Bruce Mitchell Managing Director.
After losing a few large clients and struggling to take the business to the next level, Bruce decided to get ActionCOACH involved in the business. The company started to see results pretty quickly after hiring an ActionCOACH. Two years on and they have seen real improvements in the company performance. Alongside the profit gains, net sales have increased by 86%. They also managed to increase the team with 8 additional new members and are on target to hit their goal of £1.6M turnover.
Achieving The £1M Turnover Milestone | IT solutions Growth Story
The framework that ActionCOACH gives a person is very strong. It’s amazing to see the things that you don’t necessarily realise without someone educating you on what to do within your business that makes such a profound effect – Simon Pardo, Managing Director of ComputerCare.
Managing Director, Simon was facing a growth barrier for the past 5-6 years where he wanted to push the business into the £1M turnover milestone. Without a clear strategy in place, they were feeling pretty stressful with the day to day operations. Working alongside their coach, they managed to gain clarity on their finances and business goals.
Since working with ActionCOACH they have achieved:
✅ 25% turnover increase
✅ 20% gross profit increase
✅ Better cashflow
From £400k to £4M+ Turnover For Clothing Retailer | e-Commerce Retail Growth Story
Ruby and Daisy grew their business from £400k to £4M in just 9 months after getting involved with ActionCOACH.
In fear of burning out from the growth, Managing Director Helena wanted to focus her time working on the business. Understanding the value of having an Action Coach look at the business to get that growth without burning out was an oversight at first. Within 3 months of Business Growth Specialist getting involved, Helena started seeing how the finer details were impacting the business towards the bigger picture.
Since working with ActionCOACH, they have achieved:
✅ 700% Gross profit increase
✅ From £400k to £4M+ Turnover
✅ Better work-life balance
5x Gross Profit Increase In Just One Year | Online Retail Industry
I associate the majority of our success to ActionCOACH – Diana Kakkar, Managing Director.
Starting a business can be a challenge, generating profits after one year in business is another challenge altogether. That was certainly the case with business owners Diana and Joshua. It became an obvious choice to take on an Action Coach in order to see the business progress forward.
In a short space of a year, Action Coach increased the gross profit 5 times compared to the previous year. Net profit had also doubled and the business is no longer making a loss. To keep up with the demand, they have hired 8 new members of staff. They have also achieved an award and been invited to speak at Make it British to talk about the importance of UK manufacturing.
Local Honey Man Takes Business Online | Food Retail Business Growth Story
Everybody needs a coach, Roger Federer, the best tennis player in the world has a coach. It’s something that makes sense for your growth and development as a business person. – Curtis Thompson, Managing Director of Local Honey Man
Working with ActionCOACH during the pandemic has been crucial for Business Owner, Curtis. Working on the business rather than in the business enabled Curtis to focus on the growth strategies.
Since working with ActionCOACH, they have:
✅ Increased turnover by 33%
✅ Pivoted the business during the pandemic.
✅ Implemented new digital strategies.
Take Control of Your Business | Food & Beverage Industry Growth Story
We have recently secured investment to expand our business goals because ActionCOACH helped us work on a business plan we put together. – Kerry Lamb, Managing Director of Red Fox Fine Foods.
Working with ActionCOACH during the pandemic, Business Owner Kerry Lamb was able to pivot the business, work on her goals and even expand the business.
Kerry adapted the business around the pandemic where they changed their business model. During this period, Kerry has confidently taken control of the business and has a clear vision for her business goals.
Since working with ActionCOACH, they have:
✅ A better understanding of cash flow.
✅ In control of the business.
✅ Pivot during the pandemic.
300% Net Profit Increase | Cleaning Industry Growth Story
I believe you will definitely see a positive impact and could be the best investment you will ever make – Conan Sammon, Managing Director of London Bin Cleaning
Conan’s cleaning business has dramatically grown over the two years he’s been working with his Action Coach. Using proven ActionCOACH strategies, Conan has gained clarity in the business allowing him to focus on the business growth.
Conan says: ”Working with ActionCOACH has been invaluable”.
Since working with ActionCOACH, the business has achieved:
✅ 75% turnover increase
✅ 300% net profit increase
✅ Doubled the team
From £500k Turnover To £4M. Make Your Business Work For You | Landscaping Industry Growth Story
As a small business, if you don’t put yourself in a position where you can see this information or see what’s going on, you’ll get left behind. – George Davies, Managing Director
Action Coach was able to structure the organisation and put systems in place allowing George to focus on his business. They were able to scale the business to a point where George is able to spend more time with his family and not worry about the day to day operations.
Since working for ActionCOACH, George Davies Turf has achieved:
✅ Building an efficient business
✅ 5x Net profit increase
✅ From £500k turnover to £4M
✅ Better work-life balance
Mleczko Delikatesy | Growth Story
Before working with ActionCOACH, Michael Mleczko had a very successful chain of Super markets. However, going from 3 stores to 10 in a short space of time meant that the basics of business were being forgotten and needed some guidance.
Since working with Action Coach, Michael has delegated the work he didn’t need to be doing, giving him more time to focus on the company growth. With the guidance of Jamie, Net profit has gone from 600K to 1M and Turnover has gone from 11M to a staggering 34M!
Gaining The Confidence To Grow The Business | Food & Beverage Industry Growth Story
I don’t think we would be in the position we are now if it wasn’t for our ActionCOACH. She gave us a lot of confidence and support. Yasmine Ziadlourad, Managing Director of RosalindMiller
Gaining the confidence to grow the business can be challenging especially if you have different possible avenues to expand into. Getting the right business mentor to help support growth can also be a challenge. ActionCOACH was able to mentor Managing Director, Yasmine into achieving the goals.
Since working with ActionCOACH, they have achieved:
✅ Better team management
✅ 45% Turnover increase
✅ 70% net profit increase
Has Your Business Lost a Major Client? | Automotive Industry Growth Story
The most valuable thing I got from working with my Action Coach is my personal growth and confidence – Leanne Paratt Managing Director of MDM Vehicles.
After losing a major client, the business was taking a spiral turn downhill. A friend of Leanne who had already seen results in their business after using ActionCOACH recommended speaking to Action business growth specialist, Mark Jennings. Since working with ActionCOACH, they achieved an 80% increase in sales and now have a stable business.
The programme has also allowed Leanne to spend more time with her family giving her:
✅ Better work-life balance
✅ Valuable business skills & knowledge
✅ A healthy net profit of 20% – was zero when she met her Action Coach
E.D.S Couriers | Growth Story
A Clear Vision For Ledwell Plastics | An ActionCOACH Growth Story
Control of the business is the key that’s made a massive difference for the business – Benn Simms, Managing Director.
Like many businesses, Ledwell Plastics has had good and bad years and is heavily reliant on its customers. The business model itself was very reactive. Without having an Action Coach they’d have continued on the same path. Their Action Coach Laurence helped Benn to structure the business so he can focus on building the business stronger and better.
Benn now focuses on sales and marketing of the business rather than spending time on the moulding machines. The dynamics of the business has changed from staff running around like headless chickens to having a structure in the business. Since being involved with ActionCOACH Ledwell Plastics have seen an increase of 30% gross profit. They have just had two of the biggest months in their 15 years in business.
A Clear Vision For The Next 10 Years | Manufacturing Industry Growth Story
As the Owner and Director of the company, I have a great feeling that we are achieving the right things going forward. We have a great path of how we’re going to focus and achieve the goals that we’ve set ourselves for the next 5 to 10 years.
– Steve Jack, Managing Director of G.E.M Cable Solutions.
Business Owner Steve has confidently grown the business during uncertain times and taken on new staff members allowing him to focus on the business direction.
Not only does he have a clear plan for the next 10 years, but Steve also has a far superior work-life balance compared to his life before ActionCOACH.
Steve says: ”The biggest impact has been the plan for going forward so even during the pandemic, we’ve invested heavily within the company and we’ve built a brand new state-of-the-art cleanroom which was built during the lockdown.”
Since working with ActionCOACH, they have:
✅ A clear vision for the next 10 years.
✅ Better work-life balance.
✅ Grown the business during the pandemic.
Female Leader With A Great Work-Life Balance | e-Learning Industry
I always talk to my team about having a work-life balance but I never thought I would be in a position to reduce my hours as well as run a successful business. – Claire Revell, Managing Director of TutorPro.
Balancing a stressful life between leading a team and looking after young children was a tough challenge for Claire. In desperation to turn her life around, she turned to ActionCOACH.
Within 6 to 8 weeks, Claire noticed a difference in her personal life and business. Claire was working fewer hours and spending weekends with the family. Within 4 months, TutorPro started seeing great financial results where they grew their net profit to an increasing 520%.
Claire says: ”I don’t work weekends now. I’m able to finish early and take my youngest to football training, I would never have done that before. I can do it and I don’t feel guilty for doing it.”
Since working with ActionCOACH, they have:
✅ Better team structure.
✅ Better work-life balance.
✅ 520% net profit increase.
From Roofing To Playing Golf | Building Industry Review
There’s been an increase of spending more family time, weekends away, have not been so stressful now because we know that work finishes on a Friday, we don’t pick up again till Monday now.
– Stuart Davis, Managing Director of Abbey Roofing.
Stuart says being a roofer, I didn’t have much business side to me, not knowing who to turn to I was at the top I couldn’t really ask anyone above me and the staff below me were looking for guidance as well so that’s where it became a bit stressful.
Since working with ActionCOACH, they have:
✅ 2x turnover increase.
✅ 4x net profit increase.
✅ More free time with the family.
Learning Businesses Principles From Other Businesses | Architects Industry Review
The best things I’ve done in my life are when I’ve taken a risk whether that’s employing the first person in the company, starting my own business or building my own house. Getting a coach seems like a significant thing but it’s one of those risks that will pay off immeasurably for time and time to come. Sam Goss – Managing Director of Barefoot Architects.
I was sceptical about ActionCOACH at first and I think my kind of fear was that it would be expensive and perhaps it was something which wouldn’t relate to our industry. What I’ve grown to learn and hugely respect is how there are principles which can be applied to any business regardless of what sector it’s in and the things that I’ve learned so often are from other businesses that do completely different things to us.
Since working with ActionCOACH, they have:
✅ A clear business direction.
✅ Better systems in the business.
✅ A growth mindset.
Are You Caught Up In Day-To-Day Pressures? | Architecture Industry Review
Are You Caught Up In Day-To-Day Pressures?
I found I was getting very busy. The business was doing well but it was chaotic and manic, which would have been unsustainable in the long run. I needed someone by my side to help me focus more on running the business and looking after my team than running jobs all the time. With the help of ActionCOACH, I developed the knowledge and confidence to pass my skills onto my staff, which helped them be a part of the coaching process I was going through. We are growing in terms of business and profitability. I’m getting to the point where I can take myself away from the day-to-day pressures. There’s a better balance being struck, and I can see it going the way I want it over the coming 6-9 months. – Alastair J Fitchet, Managing Director at Architect LLP.
Since working with ActionCOACH, they have:
✅ A 15% turnover increase.
✅ A 15 % net profit increase.
✅ Weekly and 90 day goals.
Building A Profitable Business That Works WITHOUT You | ActionCOACH Marketing Industry Review
Running a business is tough, and Tracy Franz, owner of SmartPA, felt the heat. She was drowning in 12-hour workdays with zero support, and it was taking a toll on her life.
Enter ActionCOACH. With their help, Tracy’s world flipped. She learned to delegate, built a powerhouse team, and her business started running smoothly—even without her constant oversight.
The results? Jaw-dropping. A 500% increase in turnover, a rock-solid business strategy, and a stress-free mindset. Tracy went from burnout to brilliant, proving that with the right coach, anything is possible.
Since teaming up with ActionCOACH, Tracy achieved:
✅ 500% increase in turnover
✅ Mastery of leadership and delegation
✅ A stress-free business mindset
From A One-Man Band To A 500% Increase In Turnover | ActionCOACH Energy Sector Review
Running a business solo is no joke, and Emanuel Howell, managing director of Energy How UK, knows it well. He went from handling everything on his own to achieving a mind-blowing 500% increase in turnover—all thanks to ActionCOACH.
In this fun and inspiring video, Emanuel shares how having a business coach to bounce ideas off provided the clarity and direction he needed. He opens up about the common struggles of business owners, like the tendency to let themselves down, and how overcoming these challenges gave him more control over his business.
With ActionCOACH’s support, Emanuel not only skyrocketed his company’s financial success but also found more time to enjoy with his wife. His story is a testament to the transformative power of mentorship and how it can elevate your business to new heights.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Emanuel achieved:
✅ 500% increase in turnover
✅ Clearer business direction
✅ More quality time with family
How Financial Coaching Transformed My Business and Mental Health in Just 2 Weeks!
Financial management is the cornerstone of a successful business, and Jack Pyne, Managing Director of The Shirt Framing Service, has experienced this firsthand. In this engaging video, Jack takes us through his transformative journey with financial coaching.
Jack reveals how getting a solid grip on his finances has been a total game-changer for both him and his company. He talks about the invaluable guidance he received on the best ways to run his business, the creation of effective business plans that revolutionized his operations, and the implementation of new systems that keep his team accountable.
What’s truly remarkable is that noticeable improvements began just two weeks into coaching! But the benefits didn’t stop there. Jack also experienced a massive boost in his mental health and now enjoys more time outside of his business to pursue his passions.
Since working with his financial coach, Jack achieved:
✅ Effective business plans
✅ Accountable team systems
✅ Improved mental health
✅ More personal time
From Self-Employed To Business Owner | ActionCOACH Marketing Industry Review
Running a business is no easy feat, and Jade Binstead, owner of The Ribbons Network, knows this all too well. In this inspiring video, Jade shares her incredible transformation from being self-employed to becoming a successful business owner, all thanks to ActionCOACH.
Discover how investing in a business coach was the best decision Jade made for her business. With ActionCOACH’s guidance, she turned her side hustle into a thriving enterprise. Jade highlights the biggest benefits of having a coach, from gaining accountability to implementing strategies that took her business to the next level.
She opens up about the tangible results she achieved, how she overcame challenges when she was close to giving up, and the effective strategies she used to scale her business. Jade’s journey is a powerful testament to the transformative power of business coaching.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Jade achieved:
✅ A thriving business from a side hustle
✅ Enhanced accountability
✅ Effective business scaling strategies
✅ Overcoming near-give-up challenges
The Importance Of Sales Conversion In Business | ActionCOACH Review
Running a business is a whole different game from being an employee, and Paul Addy, Chartered Director of Positive People HR, found this out the hard way. In our latest video, Paul reveals why he wishes he had gotten a coach much sooner and how his business stagnated during COVID.
Paul dives into the critical importance of conversion in sales and how employing a business coach transformed his approach. With expert guidance, Paul’s sales process became more effective, leading to consistent growth year after year.
He shares the striking differences between running a business and being an employee, and how his coach helped him navigate these challenges. Paul’s journey highlights the incredible impact a business coach can have on achieving success and gaining more flexibility outside of work.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Paul achieved:
✅ Consistent year-over-year growth
✅ Enhanced sales conversion
✅ Greater flexibility and work-life balance
How To Plan For Your Retirement As A Business Owner | ActionCOACH Review
How To Live Your Dream Life As A Business Owner | ActionCOACH review
Discover the secrets to living your dream life as a business owner. If you’re contemplating hiring a business coach, this video will inspire you to take the plunge and just do it. Learn how Kevin Cadwallader, owner of Driffield Mobility, overcame the challenges of working too many hours by setting clear 5-year business goals and implementing effective business systems.
Kevin shares how bringing on new team members and delegating effectively led to a 50% increase in turnover. His journey highlights the transformative power of having a coach to guide you through the ups and downs of running a business.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Kevin achieved:
✅ Clear 5-year business goals
✅ Effective business systems
✅ A 50% increase in turnover
✅ More time to enjoy life outside of work
Maximizing Success: How Our Business Coach Skyrocketed Our Turnover | ActionCOACH Review
Join Andy Liddle, owner of DAS Signs, as he shares his inspiring journey from post-COVID struggles to business success. After the challenges brought on by the pandemic, Andy was unsure if investing in a business coach would be worth the cost. However, now he can’t imagine growing his business without that crucial support.
Andy explains how his coach played a pivotal role in turning things around, helping him set the right goals and guiding his business toward success. With a significant increase in turnover and a renewed sense of optimism, Andy is more positive about the future than ever before.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Andy achieved:
✅ A significant increase in turnover
✅ Clear and strategic goal-setting
✅ Renewed optimism for the future
Andy’s story is a testament to the impact that the right coach can have, transforming uncertainty into confidence and driving real business growth.
We’ve Had Our Best Year On Record Thanks To Our Coach | ActionCOACH Review
From Chaos To Calm: How To Hand Over A Business The Right Way | ActionCOACH Review
Handing over the reins of your business to your successor doesn’t have to be chaotic. Scott Passmore, of SSUK, knows this all too well.
With the guidance of ActionCOACH, Scott successfully transitioned into his leadership role, turning potential challenges into opportunities for growth. The external accountability provided by his coach helped Scott stay focused and make strategic decisions that positively impacted the entire company.
He emphasizes the importance of improving communication skills within his team, which became a key factor in fostering effective collaboration. Additionally, with the support of his coach, Scott was able to create a business plan that truly worked, setting the stage for continued success.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Scott achieved:
✅ A smooth leadership transition
✅ Enhanced team communication
✅ A functional and successful business plan
Scott’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of business coaching, offering valuable insights for anyone looking to ensure a seamless and successful business handover.
Building A Business Legacy For My Family | ActionCOACH HR Industry Review
Can you build a business legacy while staying profitable? Sam Swinstead, director of Vivo HR & Training, is living proof that you can.
With the guidance of her ActionCOACH, Sam has seen her profits soar by an impressive 300%. The invaluable support she received not only fueled her motivation but also completely transformed her business mindset. By adopting a strategic approach to planning and setting priorities, Sam has achieved unparalleled financial health, setting the stage for a sustainable and prosperous future for her company.
Sam’s story highlights the transformative power of business coaching. Her coach has been instrumental in redefining her business strategies and honing in on what truly matters. This strategic focus has allowed Sam to build a strong foundation for her son, ensuring that the legacy she creates today will endure for generations.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Sam achieved:
✅ 300% increase in profits
✅ A transformed business mindset
✅ A solid foundation for a lasting business legacy
Whether you’re an entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, Sam’s journey is sure to inspire and offer actionable insights for your own path to success.
How A Business Coach Can Grow Your Business Quickly | ActionCOACH Review
Business growth can be challenging, especially during tough economic times. Aaron McCulla, owner of Bangor Signage Print & Embroidery, knows this struggle all too well. Despite his best efforts, Aaron found it difficult to turn his business growth ideas into reality.
Everything changed when he brought a business coach into the picture. With fresh perspective and expert guidance, Aaron began making impactful changes. New systems were introduced, leading to a significant boost in team productivity, and in just a short time, his turnover increased by 50%.
Now, with his business coach by his side, Aaron is no longer just thinking about growth—he’s actively pursuing it. He’s ready to turn his ideas into reality and launch the next big thing for his business.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Aaron achieved:
✅ 50% increase in turnover
✅ Enhanced team productivity
✅ A clear path to business growth
Aaron’s journey shows that with the right support, even the most ambitious business goals are within reach.
How A Small Change Can Have A BIG Impact On Your Business | ActionCOACH Review
Even in the smallest business, small changes can make a big difference. Neil Grant, owner of Ferndale Garden Centre, experienced this firsthand.
Neil and his team were stuck in a reactive mode, constantly putting out fires and working around the clock to keep things running. It was exhausting, and the business was struggling to find its footing. But everything changed when his bank recommended business coaching.
Taking that step led to a profound shift in Neil’s approach. With the guidance of his coach, Neil began systemising operations and tackling challenges head-on. The results were nothing short of remarkable. Not only did the efficiency of his business improve, but these small changes also had a significant impact on the bottom line.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Neil achieved:
✅ Improved business efficiency
✅ A more proactive and strategic approach
✅ Noticeable gains in profitability
Neil’s journey highlights how even the smallest adjustments, when guided by expert coaching, can lead to big successes in business.
The Key To Growing A Family-Run Business | ActionCOACH Review
It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of a family-run business, leaving little time to focus on growth. Oisin Rogers, owner of Appletree Daycare, knows this all too well.
In this insightful story, Oisin shares how he overcame the challenges of running a family business by embracing the power of coaching. Initially hesitant, Oisin soon discovered that his coach was instrumental in not just meeting, but exceeding his business goals. Through coaching, he implemented crucial systems for sustainable growth and fostered a supportive environment for his employees.
Oisin’s journey highlights the transformative impact of coaching, from overcoming intimidation to fully embracing expansion. His experience offers valuable inspiration and actionable insights for any entrepreneur looking to navigate the complexities of a family-run business and elevate it to new heights.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Oisin achieved:
✅ Exceeded business goals
✅ A supportive work environment
✅ Systems for sustainable growth
Oisin’s story is a testament to how coaching can unlock the full potential of a family-run business, setting it on a path to long-term success.
How We Turned Around Our 30 Year Old Business | ActionCOACH Review
Turning your business around and becoming profitable again can be easier than you think.
Duncan Chapman, Managing Director of Omega Signs, knows this well. After running his 30-year-old business through some challenging times, Duncan found renewed success with the help of business coaching. By gaining a clear vision for his company’s future, Duncan was able to make strategic changes that transformed not only his business performance but also the happiness of his team.
With a focus on fostering a culture of accountability and empowerment, Duncan saw remarkable improvements. In just 8 months, his profits increased by a staggering 50%, giving him the peace of mind to finally enjoy well-deserved holiday breaks without the constant worry of work.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Duncan achieved:
✅ 50% increase in profits
✅ A clear vision for the future
✅ A happier, more empowered team
✅ The ability to take stress-free holidays
Duncan’s story shows how the right guidance can make all the difference, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and long-term success.
How To Grow Your Business Fast And Stay Profitable | ActionCOACH Review
Growing a business quickly comes with many risks, and Kunal Thakker, CEO and founder of Tooth Club, knows this well.
Kunal rapidly expanded his business from zero to eleven premises, all while maintaining profitability and a healthy work-life balance. In his journey, Kunal discovered that having a coach was pivotal to his success. He underscores the importance of seeking guidance when navigating the complexities of growth and business strategy.
Kunal shares the challenges of balancing work and personal life, the necessity of accountability, and the transformative impact of becoming a better leader. In today’s competitive landscape, Kunal realized that changing his mindset and business strategy was essential to achieving sustainable growth.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Kunal achieved:
✅ Rapid expansion with profitability
✅ A better work-life balance
✅ Stronger leadership skills
✅ Sustainable business growth
Kunal’s story is a powerful example of how the right guidance can help you navigate the risks of rapid growth and achieve long-term success.
How To Triple Your Profit And Grow Your Business | ActionCOACH Review
Increasing your profit and growing your business can be easy with the right support from a business coach.
Lewis Newton, owner of Elevate Automotive, experienced this firsthand. With the invaluable support of business coaching, Lewis embarked on a transformative journey that significantly impacted his day-to-day operations, enhanced his work-life balance, and empowered him to take full control as a business owner.
Lewis shares how investing in business coaching helped him employ strategies that tripled his profit and expanded his team. The strategic guidance and mentorship he received were key to elevating his business to new heights.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Lewis achieved:
✅ Tripled profits
✅ Expanded his team
✅ Improved work-life balance
✅ Greater control over business operations
Lewis’s story is a testament to how the right coaching can make all the difference, helping you achieve impressive growth and profitability.
From Chaos To Clarity: How Our Business Coach Became Our Secret Weapon | ActionCOACH Review
Discover how a business coach became the secret weapon for success at Property Link Homes Mortgage Advice. Mortgage advisor Jen Knowlson shares how bringing in a business coach transformed their organization from chaos to clarity.
Jen explains how their coach played a pivotal role in addressing longstanding challenges, such as ineffective business systems and processes. The fresh perspective and insights offered by the coach revitalized their approach to operations, leading to significant improvements.
Jen also highlights the positive impact on her work-life balance, showing how the coaching journey has not only boosted professional efficiency but also enhanced her personal well-being.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Jen achieved:
✅ Streamlined business systems
✅ Revitalized operational approach
✅ Improved work-life balance
✅ Enhanced personal well-being
Jen’s experience illustrates how a business coach can truly become a secret weapon for success, bringing clarity and growth to any organization.
How We Increased Our Turnover By 100% In 8 Months | ActionCOACH Review
Join Ryan Cooper, a determined business owner, as he shares how he managed to double his company’s turnover in just 8 months. Feeling like his business had hit a plateau, Ryan knew it was time for significant changes. With the guidance of a business coach, he and his team embarked on a transformative journey, setting ambitious long-term goals and embracing a back-to-basics approach to rebuilding their enterprise.
Ryan emphasizes the invaluable role of having a mentor, both in personal and professional life, in pushing boundaries and achieving remarkable growth. His story is a powerful reminder of how the right support can drive extraordinary success.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Ryan achieved:
✅ Doubled company turnover in 8 months
✅ Set ambitious long-term goals
✅ Rebuilt the business with a strategic approach
Ryan’s journey showcases the incredible impact that a business coach can have, turning stagnation into significant growth and setting the stage for continued success.
How I Grew My Award Winning Charity | ActionCOACH Review
Join Zinthiya Ganeshpanchan, CEO and founder of the renowned Zinthiya Trust, as she shares her remarkable journey of transforming her charity into an award-winning organization. Faced with the challenges of limited time to focus on growth strategies and the strain of spreading herself too thin, Zinthiya turned to a business coach for guidance.
Through coaching, Zinthiya empowered her team with the necessary tools and skills, enhancing her own confidence and leadership abilities. This transformation not only led to the charity’s national recognition but also resulted in prestigious awards that celebrate their impact.
Zinthiya reflects on the pivotal role coaching played in both her personal and professional growth and explains why she believes every business can benefit from the insights and support of a business coach.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Zinthiya achieved:
✅ National recognition and prestigious awards
✅ Enhanced leadership skills and confidence
✅ Empowered her team for greater success
Zinthiya’s story is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of coaching, showing how the right guidance can elevate an organization to new heights.
How Our Business Coach Helped Us Reach Over £3 Million A Year | ActionCOACH review
ChatGPT said:
My Advice To Every Business Owner | ActionCOACH Review
Julie Priestley, the director of DBS Digital, shares valuable insights from her journey as a business owner over the past five years. Stepping into the director’s role was initially overwhelming for Julie, as she grappled with uncertainties and didn’t know where to begin making changes in her business.
However, through determination and the guidance of her business coach, Julie discovered the transformative power of taking accountability as a leader. This shift in mindset led to remarkable results for her company, marked by continuous growth and newfound confidence—both in herself and her team.
Julie’s story is a testament to the impact of strong leadership and effective coaching. She offers advice drawn from her firsthand experiences, providing inspiration and actionable strategies for fellow business owners navigating similar challenges.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Julie achieved:
✅ Continuous business growth
✅ Enhanced leadership confidence
✅ A more empowered and motivated team
Join Julie as she shares her journey and imparts wisdom to help other business owners find success on their own paths.
How Business Coaching Revolutionised My Life | ActionCOACH Review
Join Matthew, the managing director of Yorkshire Gates, as he shares his transformative journey from stagnation to renewed motivation through the power of business coaching. For five years, Matthew’s company struggled to break through a plateau, finding it difficult to achieve their goals. But everything changed with the guidance of a skilled business coach.
With newfound energy and direction, Matthew and his team have revitalized their approach, hitting big goals every quarter. He reflects on how their office environment underwent a complete transformation, fostering a culture of growth and support that has reignited their drive for success.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Matthew achieved:
✅ Consistent quarterly goal achievement
✅ A revitalized, motivated team
✅ A transformed office environment promoting growth
Matthew’s story highlights the incredible impact that the right coaching can have, turning stagnation into sustained progress and success.
Why We Hired A Business Coach After 20 Years In Business | ActionCOACH Review
“It’s having that someone who can offer us a bit of guidance.”
After two decades of navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship, Keely Mason and her husband made a pivotal decision to enlist the expertise of a business coach. This decision marked a turning point in their journey, offering them a fresh perspective and the courage to ask the tough questions about their business.
When they faced the daunting challenge of losing their biggest client, Keely didn’t just survive the storm—she emerged stronger. With the wisdom and support of a skilled coach, she turned obstacles into opportunities for growth, proving that even seasoned entrepreneurs can benefit immensely from expert guidance.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Keely achieved:
✅ Resilience in the face of major challenges
✅ A renewed business strategy
✅ Strengthened leadership and decision-making
Keely’s story is a powerful reminder that the right guidance can make all the difference, helping even the most experienced business owners reach new heights.
How I Built My Business That Runs Itself | ActionCOACH Review
Marriage, Money, & Milestones: Turning the Tide in Our Business | ActionCOACH Review
“I can see a clear way forward with the business improving and continuing to grow.”
Join Sandie MacDonald, owner of Buccaneer LTD, as she shares the transformative journey of turning her business around alongside her husband. Facing numerous challenges since starting their venture together, Sandie and her husband discovered that being held accountable was a game-changer, significantly boosting their productivity.
Learn how they conquered their once-daunting to-do list, achieving milestones they never thought possible. With the guidance of a dedicated business coach, this husband-and-wife team unveils the strategies that have alleviated stress and provided a clear path forward for their business.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Sandie and her husband achieved:
✅ Greater accountability and productivity
✅ Successful milestone achievements
✅ A clear, stress-free path for business growth
Sandie’s story is a powerful example of how the right support can help you overcome challenges and steer your business toward continued growth and success.
Why 90-day Planning Transformed My Business | ActionCOACH Review
How I Rediscovered My Passion For My Job | ActionCOACH Review
“It’s definitely been value for money, and I can’t recommend it enough.”
Join Alan Stokes, the owner of Horizon Counselling Services, as he shares his transformative journey of rediscovering his passion for his work. Alan reflects on the moment he realized he wasn’t focusing on the crucial aspects of his business, leading to a pivotal shift in his mindset.
With the guidance of business coaching, Alan reignited his enthusiasm and learned to prioritize the fundamental elements within his business. His story is an inspiring testament to how reevaluating focus and embracing essential business principles can revitalize both professional passion and business success.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Alan achieved:
✅ Renewed passion for his work
✅ A strategic focus on business fundamentals
✅ Enhanced business growth and satisfaction
Alan’s experience highlights the immense value of business coaching in transforming not just a business, but the owner’s connection to their work.
How To Grow A Future-Proof Business in 2024 | ActionCOACH Review
“They help you grow and give you a plan of action with logical steps.”
Join Daniel Wright, the managing director of Datel Electrical, as he shares his journey of building a future-proof business. Like many business owners, Daniel faced the common struggles of growth and sustainability. In his search for strategies to secure his company’s future, he discovered the transformative power of business coaching.
Daniel explains how his business coach played a pivotal role in steering Datel Electrical towards success and resilience. With a clear plan of action and logical steps, Daniel not only grew his business but also became a more confident and empowered business owner.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Daniel achieved:
✅ Sustainable business growth
✅ A future-proof business model
✅ Increased confidence and empowerment as a leader
Daniel’s inspiring story offers invaluable insights into overcoming the challenges of entrepreneurship and fostering long-term success through the power of coaching.
What I’ve learnt from being a gym owner | ActionCOACH Review
How Retraining My Team Made My Business More Successful | ActionCOACH Review
“The retraining that we’ve had has made a massive difference; it’s put us in a much better position.”
Phil Rivers, Managing Director of Unicorn Construction, shares his pivotal journey of revitalizing his business through the retraining of his team. Phil candidly discusses how his team had become disconnected and the pressing need for a behavioral shift within the company.
With the guidance of a business coach, Phil embarked on the transformative process of retraining his team, which had a substantial impact on their dynamics and productivity. This experience also brought about a profound change in Phil’s management mindset, helping him identify and embrace crucial values for both himself and his business.
Phil’s story is a powerful example of how strategic team retraining can rejuvenate an organization, offering invaluable insights for entrepreneurs and leaders seeking similar transformative shifts in their businesses.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Phil achieved:
✅ Reconnected and productive team dynamics
✅ A transformed management mindset
✅ A stronger, value-driven business
Join Phil as he unfolds the story of rejuvenating Unicorn Construction through strategic team retraining and shares the lessons learned on his journey.
Transforming Losses into Triumph: How We Took Charge of Our Profits | ActionCOACH Review
“I’ve never looked back. Even when I’ve got to where I need to go, I’ll still have a business coach.”
Daniel Brown, the managing director of D&K Pallets, shares the remarkable journey of turning financial losses into resounding success. Facing a rapid financial decline, Daniel knew he needed a strategic approach to turn things around. Setting clear goals became the cornerstone of this transformation.
By prioritizing staff retraining, the business underwent a significant shift, yielding impressive results within just six months. Daniel recounts how these key changes not only stabilized D&K Pallets but also positioned the company to thrive, now capable of handling larger orders and maximizing profits.
This candid narrative reveals the profound impact of Daniel’s partnership with a business coach, showcasing how the right guidance can lead to extraordinary growth and success. Daniel’s story offers invaluable insights into the power of strategic planning and the importance of continuous support in achieving business excellence.
Since working with ActionCOACH, Daniel achieved:
✅ Turnaround from financial decline to success
✅ Effective staff retraining and productivity boost
✅ Capacity to handle larger orders and maximize profits
Daniel’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of business coaching, proving that with the right support, even the most challenging situations can be turned into opportunities for growth.
Mastering Business Finances: The Secret to Doubling Our Turnover in a Year
“If you want to grow your business and to feel like a business owner, then I would definitely recommend it.”
Paul Braithwaite, the owner of Braithwaite Painting & Decorating, takes us through his transformative journey from business chaos to remarkable success. Navigating challenging times, Paul found himself grappling with a lack of direction and the overwhelming demands of running a business. However, everything changed when he embraced accountability and sought external guidance.
Paul shares the vital role that mastering business finances played in steering his company towards structured growth. Learning how to effectively understand, track, and manage his finances gave him the insight and control needed to make smarter decisions. This learning curve wasn’t without its challenges, but the lessons gained were invaluable.
With clear strategies and a focus on financial mastery, Paul was able to double his company’s turnover within just one year. His experience offers key takeaways for fellow business owners who may feel stuck or overwhelmed, demonstrating that with the right support and accountability, turning chaos into growth is possible.
Key Results from ActionCOACH:
✅ Achieved clarity and control over business finances
✅ Turnover doubled in just 12 months
✅ Established a solid foundation for future growth
Paul’s story is a testament to the power of accountability and strategic coaching, showing how any business can thrive with the right tools and mindset.
How Our Business Went From Burnout to £20.4 million
“If you want to grow your business and feel like a business owner, then I would definitely recommend it.”
In this insightful journey, Paul Braithwaite, the owner of Braithwaite Painting & Decorating, shares how he transformed his business from chaos to remarkable success. Paul faced tumultuous times, but with a commitment to accountability and the right guidance, he completely reshaped the trajectory of his company.
Paul explains how mastering his business finances played a pivotal role in turning things around. Understanding and tracking finances allowed him to gain the clarity he needed to make strategic decisions. Through this learning curve, he faced many challenges but gained invaluable insights that led his business to structured growth.
By adopting effective strategies and leveraging the power of financial literacy, Paul doubled his business’s turnover within a year—a testament to the impact of focused planning and support. His story offers key takeaways for business owners looking to grow and thrive, showing how accountability and financial mastery can pave the way for sustainable success.
Results from working with ActionCOACH:
✅ Clear understanding of business finances
✅ Double the turnover in one year
✅ Structured growth and accountability
Paul’s experience highlights the transformative power of business coaching, showing how anyone can gain control of their business and achieve lasting success.
From Plateau to Prosperity: Our Journey to Achieving Our Goals and Work-Life Balance
“I would recommend it tenfold, I mean the figures speak for themselves.”
Tom Waller, owner of Chichester Cars, shares his remarkable journey of transforming his business from stagnation to success. Faced with a plateau in both growth and profits, Tom knew he needed to break free from the daily grind to focus on the bigger picture. With the guidance of a business coach, Tom embraced strategic growth, prioritised goal-setting, and refocused his energy on what truly mattered.
Through this process, he not only hit two major milestones but also achieved a better work-life balance, something he had long struggled with. Tom’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance and having the right support to navigate the ups and downs of running a business. He highlights how goal-setting and accountability played a crucial role in reigniting his passion and driving his company forward.
Key Results from ActionCOACH:
✅ Broke through a business growth plateau
✅ Achieved two significant business milestones
✅ Improved work-life balance, allowing for more personal time
Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or an aspiring business owner, Tom’s journey offers valuable insights into overcoming stagnation and creating a roadmap for sustained success. His experience demonstrates that with the right coaching, it’s possible to achieve not just business growth, but also personal fulfillment.
My Journey To Becoming A Millionaire
“I made excuses as to why I couldn’t grow the business or that I have problems, but there is a solution.”
Ross Crayton, owner of Core Workwear, takes us through his remarkable journey to becoming a millionaire in this inspiring video. Reflecting on his early challenges, Ross openly shares the isolation he felt in entrepreneurship, often overwhelmed by obstacles and making excuses as to why his business couldn’t grow. However, a pivotal shift occurred when he decided to set an ambitious goal: becoming a millionaire.
From year one to year two, Ross experienced a transformative journey, not only in terms of revenue but also in his mindset. He emphasises the importance of trusting his employees and delegating effectively, which played a key role in scaling his business. Ross’s story offers invaluable lessons on resilience, the power of goal-setting, and the significance of surrounding yourself with a capable team.
Key Results from ActionCOACH:
✅ Defined and achieved a millionaire goal
✅ Developed trust and empowered his team
✅ Significant business transformation within two years
Whether you’re just starting out or already running a business, Ross Crayton’s story serves as a powerful reminder that with the right mindset, support, and commitment, any goal is within reach. Let his journey inspire your own entrepreneurial path to success!
Why We Hired A Business Coach On Day 1
“The structure, benefits, and confidence we’ve gotten from coaching has brought more profit into our business.”
In this compelling video, Sarah Martin, owner of Premier Fleet Solutions, takes us through her incredible business journey, sharing the strategic decisions that have fueled her company’s growth. From the very beginning, Sarah understood the value of support and brought on a business coach right from the start, a decision that became a cornerstone of her success.
Sarah opens up about the challenges she faced in breaking down her ambitious 5-year goals into manageable, actionable steps. Recruiting the right talent for a fast-growing business proved to be another critical hurdle. However, with the guidance of her business coach, she navigated these challenges effectively, bringing clarity, structure, and strategic foresight into every aspect of her business.
Key Results from ActionCOACH:
✅ Strategic planning led to substantial growth within 10 months
✅ Improved recruitment process for acquiring top talent
✅ Increased profitability and confidence in business decisions
Premier Fleet Solutions’ journey showcases the power of determination and the impact of having a solid support system. Sarah’s story is a powerful testament to the benefits of coaching, proving that structured planning and the right guidance can help any business not just survive, but thrive. Join Sarah as she shares the insights and lessons learned from her transformative business experience!
From Ideas To Actions: How We Doubled Our Profit
“It’s very British to shy away from discussing the intricacies of running a business. But bringing in someone who can guide you through every aspect of business management can make all the difference.”
In this eye-opening video, Simon Richards, owner of Land Studio, opens up about his journey from struggling with business management to achieving remarkable growth. Lacking formal business education, Simon found himself overwhelmed by daily operations, which kept his innovative ideas from coming to fruition. That all changed when he enlisted the help of a business coach.
Simon’s business coach brought a fresh, objective perspective to his operations and provided the accountability needed to turn ideas into actionable plans. As a result, Land Studio has expanded from 4 to 9 employees, and their profits have nearly doubled.
Key Results from ActionCOACH:
✅ Expanded team from 4 to 9 employees
✅ Nearly doubled profitability
✅ Transformed ideas into successful business strategies
Simon Richards’ story illustrates the power of bringing in expert guidance to break through business barriers. Watch as Simon shares the invaluable insights and lessons learned from his coaching experience, demonstrating how the right support can transform a business and drive success!